Real-life experiences in sales

Sep 10 , 2019

At the Chesterfield Chamber Coffee Talk on Sept. 10th, 2019.
SLGD was part of a panel of professionals talking about their real-life experiences in sales. It was a great turn out and lots to learn by all.

About the Coffee Talk Event
Moderator – Christopher R. Jones – Authentic Leader
A panel discussion by individuals that are directly responsible for the sales growth of their businesses. Work smarter by gaining practical tips from successful sales leaders.
Vicki Kiger – Exterior Source, Mike Carroll – Sandler Training, Michael Metzger – Murphy Business, Samuel Little – SLGD-Effective Marketing
They will inspire you with their successes and failures as they grew their businesses, and give you great information to help you grow your business.

Are you struggling with sales and marketing your business? SLGD can help. We provide a custom solution to your sales and marketing challenges that fit your budget and your man/woman power with results that you can manage. Contact Samuel Little for a discovery meeting.