Marketing questions to ask – continually updating

Feb 22 , 2008

Here are a list of questions that SLGD would ask before starting a print marketing project with a client.

Marketing questions to get started with:
• Tell me about your company?
• Very important: What product or service has the most profit, with the least amount of effort to sell or service?
• Who are your customers?
• How do you get your customers? By referral? From a referral source? By advertising? By a special promotion?
• How do you presently market to your customers?
• What is your target market? Age? Male and or Female? B2B or B2C? Location? Zip code?
• Have you advertised or marketed your business before and if so, how and where?
• Do you have previous marketing materials? Because if you do have marketing materials from the past, perhaps we don’t want to loose your marketing investment from when those efforts were made.
By seeing what you’ve done in the past will help us determine what to do the same or different in future marketing efforts.

If you’re going to produce a marketing piece:
• What will this marketing piece be? Who are you marketing to?
• What’s its purpose?
• What do you want the receipt’s to do with it, once they get it?
• How will you send it out? Will you mail it? Will you hand it out?
• What’s the most cost effective way to deliver this piece?
We have resources and the experience to produce marketing materials cost effectively. Example: My client found a magnet source to produce magnets for 60 cents each…my sources’ cost was 20 cents per magnet…I saved the client $300.
• How can we use it for a multi-purpose marketing tool? This will save you money. If we design the piece to be handed out and a self-mailer, we save you money on envelopes and postage.

Technical questions:
Branding does make a difference…you may not see its importance at first but later you will. And why not look at these points first before starting your marketing efforts.
Usually, the client does not have time to take these important steps to get it right before starting a project because we are usually behind schedule before we start. I need it yesterday…ring a bell?
• What’s your corporate colors?
• What’s your corporate fonts?
• Do you have a logo and is it high resolution for reproduction?

It’s best to keep your logos, font names and color names handy so when a vendor asks for them you’ll have them. Perhaps even have your webmaster make a page of logos (font names and color names) for vendors to download from. This way, you tell the vendor to go to your web site page for downloading…now how simple is that?

Need help with all of this? Give Samuel Little of a call at 804-601-0545. We design for print and web site development.