Lochlyn Company HR website goes live – RTD article posted

Aug 22 , 2011

Lochlyn fills HR gap for companies in need

Debra Girvin, owner of Lochlyn Company, works with Jerry White of HR Web Connect, which is partnering with Girvin to create an interactive website called HR2GONOW.

This fall, Girvin is introducing a new human resources Web product called HR2GONOW that she hopes to license.

“It’s a Web-based membership program where small businesses will be able to get forms, business news and updates, and access information to get answers for their HR questions,” she said.

The program will have different membership levels. Girvin is working on pricing each level. The highest level will provide accessibility to Girvin’s expertise.

“They can contact me and discuss issues,” she said about the top tier.

Girvin’s business has grown from two clients to more than 100 clients since moving to the Richmond area. Her territory includes Virginia, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland and New York City.

Read more in Richmond Times Dispatch news article…

Samuel Little Graphic Design has been working with the Lochlyn Company for some time now on their website. When we heard 2 weeks ago that our client, the Lochlyn Company, would be featured in a news article by the Richmond Times Dispatch…we kicked it into high gear! We strive to provide the best possible service to our clients. When clients have deadlines that are important to them we don’t take no or second best for an answer. We meet deadlines and demand information from our clients to meet those deadlines even in fast turnarounds. After Debi Girvin told us of this article she asked that we at least have a landing page online at the time of the article. We said NO, we’re going to have whole site up! The website went live in record time. Even after the article has hit we are pushing to get the word out by posting it through all social networks and blogs. This is huge news…you never really know how huge a news story can be til after it has hit. It’s an amazing rush.

Stay tuned for more information on the Lochlyn Company website as the HR2GONOW service rolls out.

Samuel Little Graphic Design is a website development and print design company specializing in small businesses in Chesterfield County. We are active in the Chesterfield County business community.
Active member of:
Chesterfield County Chamber of Commerce
Hull Street Business Association
Western Chesterfield Business Alliance