Why have a disorganized life? Come learn from our experts on tips to lead a better more organized life. Tips – why, how & what really works – everyone has room for improvement. Keeping your head while juggling competing priorities. Organizing your physical space in your office & home.
Moderator: Jennifer Perrow – JRP Leadership Coaching, Our Panelists: Erin Leigh with theNeatNiche, Patrick Carroll with Sandler Training, Tanner Collins with BizWorks and Todd Bradberry with Parallel Management. This event was held by the Chesterfield Chamber of Commerce and sponsored by SLGD Effective Marketing since 1995, Village Bank and edgeWorks.
This was SLGD’s first Chesterfield Chamber in-person event since the COVID pandemic started.
SLGD (Samuel Little Graphic Design, Inc.) specializes in website development for solo entreprenuers and small businesses in the Richmond, Virginia region.
SLGD has been a long term member of the Chesterfield Chamber of Commerce for over 11 years.