DNS: Website Services

Jul 8 , 2018
SLGD Website Hosting Services

It’s best to have your DNS at the Domain and not the Host. Because your DNS is what controls connectivity to all website services ie hosting, website, email, etc. Websites and hosting can come and go. So if your DNS is at the domain then when changing hosts nothing has to change with the DNS.

A DNS change; your website, email and etc can be offline for 4 to 24+ hours.

If you are changing your hosts and your DNS is at the current host then the DNS has to change over to the new host. Or preferably don’t change the DNS to the host, change the DNS to the domain. Clients usually don’t change where they manage or have their domain registered unless the webmaster wants to have more control.

Changing your DNS is all a process and once starting the process it can not be reversed.

SLGD usually leaves domain names and DNS with their current provider. This helps the client to be in control of their services. Keeping the domain as the central of all website services.

If you have issues with any of your website services and or your webmaster contact us at slgd.com. We can help you understand and make it clearer.