
Email Alert: Phishing and Pharming
26 April 2007
As i've said before it's best to have you own domain name. with a domain name you can create many different email addresses. one that i use is "submit" i use this email when i sign up for things and don't really care if i hear back from that web site or service again. because if i start getting alot of spam to that email address i can delete it. once it's deleted i can start another called "submit2" (notice how i break up even this email address...
email “subject” lines
24 April 2007
it's really best to have a subject line in an email. it's good email etiquette. for anyone, not only myself, subject lines if filled out accurately can be very helpful to the end user, because it cuts down on having to search an email you're looking for. one of my pet peeves is when a sender picks an email randomly and sends an email that has nothing to do with the subject of that email, just because they don't want to take the time to fashion a proper email. i...
another satisfied customer
24 April 2007
i got a call from a friend of mine on friday 4-20-07 and he said there is a church in powhatan, manakin episcopal church, that had their hosting taken away. i believe it was a hostile take over between hosting companies and they fell through the cracks. most people don't know all the ends and outs of hosting, domains, user names and passwords and such. that's where we come in. we opened a hosting account for them on friday...we instructed them on how to ftp the site to the server...
rules on domain transfers
19 April 2007
do you want to change hosts and or transfer your domain name before it expires? well, you better read the rules because if you wait too long or don't change at the right time, you could find your site off-line for a couple of days. a few years ago our client's domain could be transferred without our knowledge. client's could be solicited about the renewal of their domain and under pressure could stroke a check and that would be authorization enough to have that domain transferred without the knowledge of...
domain email importance
19 March 2007

domain email importance

Mar 19 , 2007
i've just seen it today. a client instructed us to change his email address on his business cards (BCDs) because he switched internet access services from comcast to verizon. yes, he has as his email address. now he'll have to inform everyone that he changed his email address and all the confusion and double servicing that goes along with that. if the client has a domain name (as i instructed for him to do last year before we printed his BCDs) then we would not be changing the email...
email signatures
19 March 2007

email signatures

Mar 19 , 2007
email signatures are a very important marketing tool. email signatures can be added at the end of every email that's sent. signatures allow the user to template (say you will) the things that the user uses over and over all the time. if the user starts out every email address with hello and end it with sincerely yours. instead of typing that out everytime...use the signature to enter that information everytime the user sends an email. now the most important reason for using a signature is to have name, company...
domain importance
19 March 2007

domain importance

Mar 19 , 2007
everyone should have a domain. everytime someone sends an aol email, who gets recognition? aol. because the receiver sees aol. that's branding for aol. that's why aol is not conductive to business. because they don't allow users to use their internet access service and send emails using a domain name email address. it's almost just like any other service...we see emails from,, you can use their internet access service but you have the choice of using a domain name to send and reply emails. but if you...
yahoo offers the best deal
18 March 2007
howdy folks. i'm writing today to let you in on why i think yahoo is best for me and should be for you. even though i have not researched all there is to know about communicating on the internet. i figure i could waste alot of time researching and comparing when i should just go with one service until a better one comes along. yahoo is cool. i use yahoo for my email, alerts and stock research. it's free...but the better service is "yahoo plus" and its only 19.99 for...