A potential client email – I don’t mind sharing

Jun 1 , 2018
Slgd Service

Ok, yes, there’s a lot to talk about.
First thing to do is to determine who your clients are and how to reach them. Which I have a good idea on how to do that.
This is the first thing to do before doing anything. If any of your other marketing companies suggest other wise they are taking you down the wrong path.
All of these services below need to work together starting with your website. The website is the center of the universe.

I can provide all of these services and direction for:
-Website redesign
-Social Media Marketing (Facebook)
-Email Marketing
-SEO/Google Adwords
-And you’ll need video

I suggest a redesign in WordPress so that you have scalability, flexibility and Google-ability.

So, to answer your questions:
1A & C: Website: GoDaddy’s GoCentral is robust but they do not have a blog feature
1B: Ecommerce: GoDaddy does have an Ecommerce site plan – but it’s separate. There’s a lot to talk about here before I can have answers.
2: Facebook is very powerful and I do have strategies that work in conjunction with your website
3: I would only email your current customers – but not real serious like before. Simple quick and easy.
4: SEO – I’m working with a local SEO company that can get you on the right path with Google.

Hootesuite is out. Each social media is so robust on their own that Hootesuite doesn’t provide all of the tools. No real time savings here.