5 Essentials of A Good Website Design

Aug 3 , 2018

As of June this year, there are approximately 1.89 billion websites in the world. With so many websites vying for attention, how can you make yours stand out? Interestingly, creating a good website that encourages conversion and ranks well on search engines isn’t all that difficult. The designer has to focus on some of the most basic yet essential elements. These include:


Unless you are a fairly experienced professional with a business that was build solely on word of mouth, there’s no excuse for owning a crappy and outdated website. Even then, it wouldn’t make sense to own a bad website. Considering the fact that the internet helped to generate more than $2.3 trillion in retail sales in 2018 alone, you’d be leaving a lot of money on the table. An aesthetically pleasing website makes effective use of various elements like color, image, font, navigation, etc. For example, a good website designer leads the user around the screen by apportioning appropriate visual weight to different parts of the website.

Clarity of Information:

A website should offer information about the basics, viz. who you are and what you do. Web users, they say, spend less than 2 seconds on a website before moving on to another site. Your challenge is to provide them the information they’re looking for as quickly as possible. For example, if you need a website for a restaurant, the most crucial information would be the menu page, along with the contact information and directions. Images of the actual food are an added bonus. Similarly, phone numbers and email addresses should include the click to call and click to email facilities respectively.

Call To Action:

A website is useless until it is easy to navigate and offers a clear call to action. You have to first decide on the action that you want the user to take. Do you want them to pick the call and make a reservation at your restaurant? Do you want them to fill in the online form for a quote? Are you looking for membership signups?


A good website design is easy for users to understand and does not overwhelm them with information. Put yourself in the user’s shoes and look for ways to provide what a potential customer is likely to seek. For example, if it’s an ecommerce website, a card like layout helps showcase all your items clearly.


This is especially important if you are selling things online. Invest in securing your website with an SSL certificate that encrypts communication between vendors and clients. There are several other options likeVeriSign, TrustE, and GeoTrust that you can look into.

Are you looking for a website designer in Midlothian and the Richmond area? We can help! Contact us at 804 601 0545 for a customized quote.